Uncovering your creative identity #sketchnotes #CIC #mooc


So, I’m taking part in a massive online open course called Creativity, Innovation and Change. The 8-week-long course has just started and I listened to a set of videos. I listen and learn in a better way if I draw, so here are my sketchnotes on the first topic: Uncovering your creative identity.


  1. Thanks everyone for the comments! I just did the video quizz after a couple of days from doing this, and I’m amazed how well I remembered everything! I think it’s because sketchnoting activates the brain in a whole different way when it comes to learning.

  2. Hi I am taking the course too and I love people who are artistic and can map out notes as brainstorms are held etc. Your notes are great. I used to be more visual and could take notes with drawing and such….it’s not easy for me to display ideas graphically although I would love to learn. Any resources for beginners? Alicia

  3. I am also taking the course and thought that I would share with you some sketches that I made during this first week of the course. I created an animated video of some sketches I made while developing my Life Ring. I also used an iPad (paper app by 53).

  4. Pingback: Disruptive Creativity | Exploring Digital Culture

  5. I am definitely feeling inspired to try to do sketch notes. The seem to be a great way to get to the essence of things. I am not so very artistic but I do doodle a lot, getting some purpose in the doodling seems to be a good thing

  6. Reblogged this on Shaun R. Smith and commented:
    Linda blew me away with her #sketchnotes of our MOOC Creativity, Innovation and Change offered on Coursera. Week 2 just started yesterday so if you have any interest, look at Linda’s Sketchnotes as a summary of week 1 and where this class will go. I am now inspired and I hope you are too!

  7. This is my second course with Coursera. Am as excited as when I did the first one. Creativity Innovation and Change interested me as I was hoping to learn more about thinking outside the box Thanks for sharing Linda. Your sketchnotes were awesome

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