Sketchnoting (and pierogi) in Poland

Where do you end up having an etymological discussion in lunch line about Finnish last names? When a bunch of language people get together. That’s what happened to me as I was hired to do sketchnoting for the Translation and Localization Conference in Warsaw. How did I end up there? Well, the organisers had seen my work somewhere in the depths of social media, they had checked my website and contacted me. That’s how it works nowadays.

And of course I was glad to give them an offer.

The positive side about sketchnoting branch related conferences is that you always learn something new. The reason to that is that the speakers really are experts in their field and they dig deeper in the topic. The downside might be that the speakers are not always that experienced when it comes to public speaking. On the other hand, the audience (their community!) supports them nicely if they are in a tough spot.

Last time I was in Poland and Warsaw was nearly 20 years ago but now it’s a totally different country and the city is pretty awesome with it skyscrapers and a bit weird history. What a vibe!

As a language person, it was fascinating to find the similarities and differences between languages. In Finland we have a word “piirakka” which means a pastry or a pie. And what do you eat in Poland? Pierogi! It’s a slightly different product but the word is there. Cool! And in Finnish there’s a slang word “mesta” that means a place and it’s a loan word from Russian. In Warsaw I visited the Stare Miasto. Miasto = mesta. The old place. There it was again. And where does the police put people in Finland if the behave badly? To “putka”. And in Warsaw I saw a fotobudka, a photo booth, where you could have your picture taken. I decided that I probably need to learn some Slavic language myself. At least the basics, I mean.

So thanks Anna and Agenor and TLC2017! You have an interesting and well-organised conference (- trust me, I’ve been to many!) and the most innovative way that I’ve ever seen to go through the contents of the conference bag..! 😀 😀 Glad that you wanted me to do the sketchnotes for you!