My entry for the #sketchnotes challenge

Sketchnoter Eva-Lotta Lamm has put on a challenge for the sketchnoting community: the meaning is that we all draw sketchnotes on a same presentation and then send our doodles for a mighty panel of feedback givers. See Eva-Lotta’s instructions for the challenge for more information.

And what did I come up with while my kid was having his daily nap? Well, here’s the result:


I must say this was a tough speech to draw. My brain hurts.

According to the challenge we also have to say what works well in our sketchnote and if there is something we would like to improve. So here it goes:

A) I like the fact that I was able to draw some kind of a big picture and that I didn’t throw in too many colours.

B) I’d have liked to emphasize the algorithm part a bit more. Is the main thing lost there now? I also seem to have nearly non-existing hierarchy in my sketchnote, as usual. But that’s just how it is with my brain: the complex structures might end up into a result – or not.


    • I use Adobe Ideas but ZoomNotes has also interesting features. Any stylus will do, I use a Bamboo stylus.

  1. Pingback: Feedback from the #sketchnotes challenge! | Linda's Sketchnotes

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